Retired teacher and Vi resident Quelda Wilson has long been the community’s go-to resource for all things Apple® technology, hosting classes in the community’s auditorium to help her fellow residents sharpen their skills on Apple® computers, as well as iPad® and iPhone® mobile communication devices. But over the past few months, as residents physically distanced from each other and their family and friends, Quelda saw an opportunity to evolve her classes into something even more meaningful: an opportunity to learn and connect.
Lunch and Learn
As stay-at-home orders took effect across the country, the longtime teacher became hostess, inviting her fellow residents to join weekly FaceTime® Voice and Video Calling luncheons. In past classes, Quelda had shown her students how video calling worked to call friends one-on-one, but she’d never gone over group calls. “I invited people to the first lunch who I thought would be interested in finding out more. I thought it would be a teaching opportunity. And it was. It was such a hit that first week that I’ve just kept going,” said Quelda.
For those invited to lunch who were new to FaceTime, Quelda was able to show them the ins and outs of the application quickly and resolve any barriers to future use. And for all attendees, past students and FaceTime® novices, it was a chance to see each other again, to enjoy some real facetime.
Seeing Old Friends and Meeting New
To ensure residents are truly able to connect with each other, guest lists kept to only three to four attendees at a time. “I feel like I’ve had lunch with my friends in Vi at La Jolla Village’s restaurant Arrosti or in one of our other dining venues. It’s just as authentic as it would be if we were all sitting around the same table,” said Quelda.
And some residents have been able to meet new friends during their luncheons. “I had an idea that there would be people who don’t know each other, so I got people together and I introduced them during a FaceTime® luncheon, and I thought that was so cool. Some people were so intrigued with the other person and got along so well that they use video calling to continue the friendship,” said Quelda.
“We don’t get to see many new people right now, so it’s exciting to meet your neighbors on FaceTime,” said resident Marsha Korobkin, who met resident Dorothy Thompson for the first time on a video luncheon.
Connecting and Reconnecting
The first time Dorothy Thompson used FaceTime was when she joined her first luncheon. And since then she has become a true convert, celebrating her birthday with her family on a group call. “My daughter told me to be available at 10:30 and she had 19 family members all arranged on FaceTime®. It all went so smooth.” she said.
For resident Terry Knox, she’s able to talk to her daughter every day. “And also to see my grand ‘fur’ babies,” she laughed. “She has two dogs and they come to the phone to say hello!”
For Marsha and other residents at Vi at La Jolla Village, the added time resulting from physical distancing has had a very bright silver lining. Marsha was able to reconnect with family across the country. “One of my cousins got together all the cousins in the family for a group call. It was wonderful. We haven’t done that in years,” she said. “It’s nice to have this opportunity and the technology to reach out to family and friends.”
A life plan community in San Diego, California, Vi at La Jolla Village has it all: outstanding amenities, gourmet dining, convenient Golden Triangle location and ocean proximity. With so many features it may be hard to choose your favorite part of our community. Interested in learning more? Contact us today!
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