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Making time for Face Time with friends at Vi at La Jolla Village
As social distance orders rolled out during the COVID-19 pandemic, Apple® products enthusiast Quelda Wilson taught fellow residents how to use group calling to stay connected.

From the courtroom to the stage: Judge
H. Lee Sarokin brings drama into his retirement
Court is still in session for retired United States Circuit Judge H. Lee Sarokin. Only this time, the courtroom is a theater.

For resident Rosemary Straley,
retirement means making a difference
Purpose-driven life her entire life, Rosemary Straley shares, “…the extraordinary thing about retirement is that I finally have more time to give back and be involved.”

Quelda Wilson: keeping neighbors connected
Vi at La Jolla Village residents are staying connected to family, friends and each other with help from Dr. Quelda Wilson and her passion for teaching.

Lifelong microbiologist turns to blogging
An adjunct professor at both UCSD and San Diego State University, Dr. Schaechter also runs the premier microbiology blog on the Internet: Small Things Considered.

Embracing the Journey: Tai Chi with Noriko
After discovering a love of Tai Chi through Vi at La Jolla Village, Noriko Marshik now offers her own classes for fellow residents.

Trailblazing attorney Betty Boone
Monthly, a group of female attorneys gather at Vi at La Jolla Village. At the center is Betty Boone, the first female attorney in the San Diego Office of County Counsel.

Lu and Georgina Sham: dancing through life
Georgina and Lu Sham danced their way across the globe, and now find time today to organize dance festivals across California.

Residents Explore San Diego in Weekly Walking Group
Residents discover San Diego’s scenic trails, beaches, and cultural sites through a weekly walking group, offering light exercise and connection with neighbors.

Residents Exercise Cognitive Health at the Brain Vitality Studio
Vi at La Jolla Village's Brain Vitality Studio offers residents innovative 'exergaming' workouts to enhance cognitive health, memory, and balance in a fun and engaging environment.