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Thanks to Mahjong Vi at Silverstone
residents are really clicking
When Nancy Dolan moved to Vi at Silverstone, she didn’t know a single person. Now she’s at the center of clicking social circle. The reason? Mahjong.

From lap one to mile 1,000: dive in
with Vi at Silverstone’s Silver Foxes
The Silver Foxes, Vi at Silverstone’s unofficial swim team, have only one requirement: set your sights on swimming 1,000 miles in the Vi at Silverstone pool!

Vi at Silverstone resident completes 3,400 mile cross-country bike journey
In 2015, Vi at Silverstone resident Bob Mountz decided he would ride his bike cross-country. The adventure totaled 3,382 miles.

Resident-led clubs fuel community connections
Whether you’ve stumbled upon an art class or a social gathering at Vi, there’s a good chance it was started or inspired by one of the community’s many passionate residents.

Community close-up: Vi at Silverstone’s production studio
When COVID-19 caused Vi at Silverstone to pause in-person activities, they created a production team, tasked with developing engaging programming for residents’ in-house TV channel.

Lifelong friends become neighbors
at Vi at Silverstone
Friends for over 30 years, the relationship between the Fabers and the Badgers continues to flourish at Vi at Silverstone.

The community’s choir: making beautiful music with the Vi Tones at Vi at Silverstone
There is just one membership requirement of the Vi Tones, Vi at Silverstone’s community choir: You must love to sing.

Shirley Avery lives an artful life
Art lover Shirley Avery shares her passion for the arts with her neighbors at Vi at Silverstone as a teacher, singer, and choreographer.